Moose Toys and Fudge Kitchen hire Highlight

15th May 2024

Highlight is embarking on new campaigns for two fresh clients this summer: Moose Toys retaining our services for their UK PR and influencer campaigns and artisan confectionery brand, Fudge Kitchen appointing us to manage PR and communications.

5 tips for influencer marketing success

18th September 2019

Influencer marketing is now hugely, well, influential. But with so many ‘influencers’ going head-to-head in the very crowded social media arena, where do you begin?

Genuine influence: 3 ways to spot a fake influencer

18th September 2019

The key to influencers’ appeal is their authenticity: but not all influencers are as genuine as they first appear. If you’re thinking of embarking on an influencer campaign for your brand, be sure to choose carefully.